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3 Secrets to Ace Your One-Way Video Interview

When “video interview” is mentioned, most people think of traditional apps, like Skype, which have been used for the past 10 years. Job seekers back in the job hunt—especially if it has been a while—may be shocked to learn there is, to some people, a much more scary type of video interview, the Recorded Video Interview (also called One-Way Video Interviews).

What are these? Job seekers answer questions online via recorded video to be viewed by the company’s representatives at a later time. The fear is that anything “misspoken” can be replayed for verification, or clumsy attempts to manage this new video format!

Today, there are a handful of companies that provide this service. Spark Hire, HireVue, GreenJob One-Way are a few. Per company representatives, the demand is growing. As recruiters and candidates lead busy lives, One-Way Video Interviews is a time saver. With an easy click of a button, employers send links to several candidates who in turn sit in front of a computer and answer questions at any time, any day. It allows several people see the recorded interview avoiding the need for all to be available at the same time. But, people that have completed one-way video recordings describe the process as “nerve-racking,” “definitely different,” and “not what I expected.”

Here are 3 secrets to prepare for the next-gen of interviews.

1 - Everything is Timed

After reading the interview question, a timer begins to countdown before the job seeker must start speaking. Problem is, it is stressful watching the seconds tick down and instead of preparing, the job seeker grows more nervous.

Secret Tip - Most systems allow 60-seconds to prepare. Use the time to take a few deep breaths, put a smile on your face, and begin.

2 - Even the Answers are Timed

One-way video systems allow one, three, or five minutes with the default set at one minute. Unlike a conversation where a job seeker takes as long as they need to answer a question, the one-way recorded interview gives you a time limit leaving the job seeker feeling rushed.

Secret Tip - Assume the least amount of time and rehearse all of your answers to be 60 seconds or less.

3 - Job Seeker May Not Be Able to Retake the Video

Every system allows retakes. However, employers sets the number of retakes allowed. Most employers set 1, 2, or 3 retakes. Some employers do not allow any retakes while some allow unlimited retakes.

Secret Tip - Since you won’t know how many retakes you will have until you are in the system, assume you will have one take. Prepare for one take and if you have, count it as a bonus.

Although a time saver, one-way interviews are impersonal and possibly awkward. Job seekers’ recorded answers, in whatever shape, may be seen by a recruiter and anyone else they forward your video. As this style of interview matures, it may become the norm as the initial pass, so rather than fight it, do everything you can ahead of time to be prepared!

For a very limited time, Ready Reset Go is offering a sneak peek behind the Wizard of Oz Recruiter Curtain. You will be able to go through actual one-way mock interviews and see what the recruiter will see. A certified career coach with over 20 years of experience will send you a clip of your video, critique your video, and send you tips to help you prepare. Then you will be able to go through the process again and again practicing as many times as you wish. With this sneak peek into this system, you’ll be much more prepared for when an employer asks you to conduct one of these one-way interviews.

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